DTU-TotalEnergies Excellence Centre for Clean Energy


The DTU-TotalEnergies Excellence Centre for Clean Energy (DTEC) is a new research and educational initiative that aims to speed up the development of critical energy technologies. The centre is part of DTU, located at the DTU Risø campus near Roskilde in Denmark.

The purpose of DTEC is to conduct research and develop technology in clean energy with a particular focus on wind power generation. DTEC will develop and demonstrate world-class technology solutions within, e.g., offshore wind, hybrid systems and green hydrogen technologies.

2024, the hybrid power plant facility, Risø Hybrid Power Plant, was inaugurated. The plant integrating wind, solar, batteries, hydrogen, and power electronics technologies is a crucial part of DTU’s research into a more sustainable energy supply and an essential tool in the work to develop and test new technologies before they are scaled up.

Anders O. Bjarklev, President of Technical University of Denmark, and Marie-Noëlle Semeria, Chief Technology Officer of TotalEnergies
DTEC couples world-leading expertise in wind and energy systems of DTU with TotalEnergies’ global energy presence and targets in clean energy development

Work Programmes

Work programme 1

Work Programme 2

Work Programme 3

Work programme 4

Risø Hybrid Power Plant

Get an overview of the Risø Hybrid Power Plant

Get an insight into what the hybrid power plant does 

Projects and Activities

The DTEC Centre is located at DTU Risø campus in Roskilde


DTEC is established as a centre for research, innovation and education at DTU and is funded by TotalEnergies. Its headquarters are located at the DTU Risø Campus.

DTEC is led by Head of Centre Gregor Giebel from DTU Wind and Energy Systems. A joint DTU-TotalEnergies steering committee oversees the centre‘s planning and operation.

As a strategic partnership, programmes under DTEC involve technical staff both at DTU and TotalEnergies. DTU staff lead and manage projects and work with TotalEnergies staff to ensure the transfer of knowledge for impact to real-world projects.

Scientific Directors

DTEC research activities are overseen by the Scientific Committee composed of Scientific Directors at DTU and TotalEnergies. The committee leads the development of collaboration roadmaps for DTEC research and technology development activities.

The DTU directors are: